Superfoods that Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Superfoods that Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Did you know that one can reduce the risk of cancer by eating right? Studies have found that dietary measures may effectively lower the risk of cancer. The higher consumption of certain healthy food items can substantially reduce the risk of a life-threatening disease like cancer. The strong evidence in favor of these food items has helped them earn the title of superfoods.

Superfoods are powerhouses of nutrients and many other compounds that help in cancer prevention. Listed below are all the important things one needs to know about the superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer. The cancer-preventive activities of the following superfoods can help one to reduce the risk of developing cancer:

1. Nutrients that possess anti-cancer properties
Nutrition plays a vital role in preventing cancer. A lot of studies have been conducted to determine the efficacy of nutrients in lowering the risk of cancer. It has been established by various clinical studies and research that certain nutrients possess anti-cancer properties. These nutrients are powerhouses of protective elements such as selenium, vitamin C and D, folic acid, and antioxidants such as carotenoids.

The protective nature of these elements allows them to reduce cancer risk. Nutrients are naturally occurring compounds that are present in food items. Such food items are often hailed as superfoods due to their many health-benefiting properties. Loading up on superfoods can ensure that one’s body meets the required nutritional levels and is safeguarded against harmful chemicals. Read on to know about the anti-cancer superfoods that one should consume in higher quantities to lower cancer risk.

2. Cancer-fighting superfoods to add to one’s diet
There are various food items that are considered to be highly valuable for their cancer-fighting properties. Commonly referred to as superfoods, these food items are replete with a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that allow them to improve the overall health of a person and lower the risk of cancer. Green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and spinach are some of the best superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer. They contain nutrients like vitamin C and K, and cancer-fighting compounds like sulforaphane. Carrots also contain powerful compounds that may prevent the development of cancer.

Additionally, nuts like walnuts and Brazil nuts are also some of the potent anti-cancer superfoods that one can add to one’s diet. As per the studies, a higher intake of nuts is associated with a lower risk of certain types of cancer. Apart from vegetables and nuts, the consumption of fruits like berries can also help one reduce the chances of developing cancer. Green tea is among the most potent superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer. Loaded with antioxidants like polyphenols, this herbal tea can lower cancer risk.

A diet that contains cancer-fighting superfoods can help one reduce cancer risk. It is essential to make the aforementioned food items as a part of one’s diet to reap the benefits. Consume a diet that contains vegetables, fruits, and healthy herbal teas to substantially lower cancer risk.