Superfoods for Cold and Flu Treatment
During the cold and flu season, a person can take certain precautions such as getting their flu shot and washing their hands. They may still end up with a cold or the flu. A person can take medicine but there are some alternatives. There are some foods for the common cold that can be used to reduce the symptoms. There are also some superfoods for cold and flu season to help keep a person healthy and reduce the symptoms of the illness if they happen to catch it:
1. Ginger
Ginger can be used for many different medical purposes. Ginger can help reduce the feeling of nausea and it has antioxidant properties that can fight back against sweating and will help the body flush out the toxins. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the aches and pains associated with these illnesses. Ginger can help kill harmful bacteria and support the immune system.
2. Garlic
This superfood contains allicin which can help fight off bacteria and other infections. Garlic can help remove toxins from the body and will help build up immunities to cold viruses and even the flu. Garlic contains manganese and vitamin B6 which can help the body recover and help keep the illness from coming back. If a person is not able to eat garlic raw they can crush it up and add it to salad dressings or lightly sauté it and make it part of a meal.
3. Lemons
Lemons are a great source to get Vitamin C and they can help strengthen the immune system. Lemons can reduce the growth of bacteria in the body and reduce the pain a person is feeling when they are ill. The lemons will also help balance the pH levels in the body. When a person includes lemon in their drinks when they are sick it will help the body stay hydrated and will help remove the toxins.
4. Raw honey
Raw honey works well to suppress a cough. It will help soothe the throat and will help give the immune system a boost. If a person has a spoonful of honey before going to bed the body will be able to naturally produce melatonin which will help them get to sleep and have a good night’s sleep.
These are some superfoods that will help the body fight back against a cold or the flu. These natural remedies can help support the body in the recovery process and reduce the number of days that a person feels sick.