Soothing Natural Foods for Insomnia

Soothing Natural Foods for Insomnia

Insomnia is a challenging affliction that prevents a person from falling asleep. There are tons of treatments out there that involve changing behavior patterns. For instance, staying active throughout the day and avoiding large meals at night are common ways to alleviate the condition. There are also prescriptions to help people fall asleep. While these methods can be effective for some patients, the best way to reduce insomnia symptoms is to augment your diet with soothing foods for sleep:

1. Bananas
This fruit contains three key components that all fight insomnia. The magnesium, melatonin, and serotonin work together to facilitate sleep. Magnesium calms the nervous system which can relax the whole body. Melatonin is produced naturally by the body and regulates your sleep cycle. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep and your overall mood.

2. Walnuts
This particular nut produces copious amounts of melatonin. Eating a handful of walnuts about 20 minutes before going to bed is a great way to help you fall asleep easier. You can also add them to a variety of dishes throughout the day to produce a similar effect.

3. Low-fat dairy
If you suffer from sleep apnea, then you know how hard it can be to get some proper rest. Low-fat milk and slim cheeses are a great way to feel fuller for longer. This helps control weight management which is a key cause of many sleep apnea symptoms.

4. Basil
Basil has natural sedative properties that will help you feel drowsy when it comes time for bed. It also reduces indigestion that can provide hours of discomfort to an insomniac. To get the full effect, use an essential oil blend with tons of basil to absorb the sedative properties most potently.

5. Warm milk
Milk has tons of calcium in each glass. Calcium helps to control melatonin production in the body. Moo juice also has high levels of tryptophan. This compound produces a calming effect on the body that will help you fall asleep. To make it a truly soothing experience, warm up the milk before you drink it. This relaxes the body and reduces excess anxiety.

6. Tart cherry juice
In addition to being extremely refreshing, cherry juice stimulates melatonin production. You don’t even need to drink that much of it to see some noticeable effects. A study found that adults with insomnia slept 87 minutes longer when they had a mere eight ounces of cherry juice. This is a huge relief to anyone who is watching their sugar intake.

7. Figs
Each fig is jam-packed with potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. This combination of minerals helps to regulate muscle contractions and blood flow. Both are key components to a healthy night of uninterrupted sleep. Figs also contain tons of fiber that will help you stay full. If you tend to gravitate towards midnight snacks, consider having some figs shortly before going to bed.