Heart Healthy Mediterranean Diet Tips

Heart Healthy Mediterranean Diet Tips

The Mediterranean diet is one that includes heart healthy foods that are eaten by people who live near the Mediterranean sea. Using the Mediterranean diet has many health benefits, including preventing heart attack and stroke. The types of foods eaten on this diet include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seafood, healthy fats, wine is permitted to drink in moderation.

Foods to avoid are processed foods and meats, refined oils, added sugar, and refined grains. By following heart-healthy diet tips one can greatly reduce the risk of developing diseases:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables
A diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables is good because it reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and offers many other health benefits. Eating five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.

2. Healthy fats
Eating healthy fats reduces the risk of heart disease. Healthy fats like monounsaturated fat can be found in cooking oils made from plants or seeds, peanuts, almonds, cashews, and avocados. Foods that contain omega 3 can lower blood pressure, triglycerides, and can decrease the risk of clotting. Eating foods containing omega 6 is good as well. Omega 6 lowers cholesterol levels.

3. Consuming seafood
Eating fish twice a week or more can reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Fish contain omega 3 fatty acid which is very good for the heart. Some examples of omega 3 rich fish are salmon, canned tuna, cod, sardines, lake trout and herring.

4. Whole grains
Eating whole grains can reduce blood pressure, lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and lower cholesterol. Examples of whole grains are whole oats, buck wheat, cracked wheat, millet barley and brown rice.

5. Use spices
Not only are spices rich in antioxidants, they also offer heart healthy benefits. Cinnamon is good for lowering blood sugar levels, reducing high cholesterol levels, and reducing the risk of heart disease. Garlic is another great spice to eat for heart health. Garlic intake reduces cholesterol and triglycerides.

6. Reduce red meat consumption
Red meat consumption has been linked to high cholesterol and heart disease. It’s best to limit red meat consumption to once or twice a week. Sea food, chicken and turkey are healthier meat choices.

7.Eat dairy
Cheese and yogurt can be eaten but in small amounts. Calcium is good for heart health. Greek yogurt is the best yogurt to eat because it’s low in calories as well as low fat cheeses.