Foods that Naturally Whiten Teeth

Foods that Naturally Whiten Teeth

A clean, healthy-looking smile starts with white teeth, but many people lose their naturally white smiles due to foods and drinks that stain teeth. Some of the most common things that stain teeth include coffee, red wine, tea, pasta sauce, blackberries, and even some sodas. Smoking is also an enemy of white teeth. Over-the-counter whitening kits or special treatments from the dentist can help remove stains from teeth, but such things tend to be expensive.

Plus, some of them can even cause damage to the surface of teeth. They also use chemicals that you may not want to risk putting in your mouth. Before trying these costly remedies, check out some of the foods that whiten teeth instead:

1. Strawberries
Strawberries might seem like an odd choice to remove stains from teeth since they can leave red stains on your fingers or clothing, but they contain something called malic acid, which can remove stains. Try mashing up a few strawberries into a paste and spread it on your teeth, leaving it in place for at least five minutes, then rinse. You won’t see stains disappear like magic, but this procedure can lighten your teeth over time.

2. Pineapples and oranges
These foods work to increase the production of saliva in your mouth. This helps to wash your teeth clean naturally, removing and preventing stains. They also contain the enzyme bromelain, a natural stain fighter. Beware of using lemons, however, as their strong acidic content can damage tooth enamel, doing more harm than good.

3. Carrots, celery, broccoli, and apples
Carrots, celery, broccoli, and apples are all natural teeth whiteners. As with some other foods, they increase the production of saliva, helping to rinse away contaminants and whiten teeth. In addition, all of these foods have a natural crunch factor, and the crunchiness provides a scrubbing effect for your teeth, removing potentially damaging bacteria and staining agents.

4. Baking soda
Baking soda is an excellent way to whiten teeth. It is gentle, yet abrasive enough to remove debris from teeth. When used on a regular basis baking soda does a good job of whitening teeth. An easy way to add this to your cleaning regimen is to buy a toothpaste that includes baking soda in it. If you prefer, you can also choose to buy a small box of baking soda and use some directly on your toothbrush a few times a week to scrub away stains.

5. Dairy products
Many dairy products help to both strengthen and whiten teeth. Milk, yogurt, and cheese can all help your teeth because of the lactic acid they contain. This ingredient has been shown to help to prevent tooth decay, making your teeth stronger. Additionally, hard cheeses not only strengthen teeth, but they also have a scrubbing action similar to that of apples, carrots, and celery. This means that less stain-causing food and drink remains on your teeth after you eat some hard cheese, so it’s a good follow-up to wine or coffee.