Common Foods that Soothe Dry Skin

Common Foods that Soothe Dry Skin

Dry skin can be a real challenge when It’s irritated, itchy and uncomfortable. When skin becomes flaky, it can also cause social problems. Most people deal with dry skin from the outside in, with creams, lotions and other external applications. That’s one important part of the healthy skin equation. Another is to work from the inside out. There are plenty of foods that help to keep skin plump, hydrated and glowing:

1. Sources of omega-3s
In recent years, everyone’s heard about omega-3 fatty acids. These are known for being good fats. They can help reduce triglyceride levels and relieve joint pain. They’re also great for the skin. In fact, sometimes dry skin is caused by a lack of omega-3s. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish like mackerel and tuna. These fish are also part of a zinc rich diet. Zinc deficiency can also cause skin problems. Chia seeds, walnuts and even kidney beans are good vegetarian sources of omega-3s.

2. Avocados
Avocados are another great source of heart healthy fats. Having enough fat in the diet is one key to optimum health, including healthy skin. Avocados are full of vitamin E, which has lots of antioxidant properties. It helps to slow down or prevent damage to cells throughout the body. In studies, people who eat lots of avocado report having supple, springy, plump skin.

3. Foods rich in vitamin C
Everyone knows that vitamin C is an important part of a healthy diet. What they don’t always know is why. Vitamin C is essential for the body to maintain and replace all kinds of tissue in the body. This includes the skin. In particular, vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen. That’s a protein that gives skin its structure. Getting enough vitamin C is linked to a reduction in dry skin and wrinkle formation. Bell peppers, sweet potatoes and of course citrus fruits are all great sources of vitamin C in the diet. Think of them as collagen producing foods.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in so many great things. It’s chock full of fiber, vitamin C and lutein. Lutein is an antioxidant. It helps keep the skin looking healthy and supple. When people are deficient in lutein, they can start to see dry patches, wrinkles and other issues. In addition to vitamin C and lutein, broccoli is also rich in sulforaphane, which may help prevent sun damage to the skin. This is one of the best foods that repair skin. It’s great for people who struggle with dry skin.