Top Midnight Snack Ideas for Diabetics

Top Midnight Snack Ideas for Diabetics

Having diabetes may seem like you are restricted in every way possible especially when it comes to food. However, that is not the case because even if you are feeling like you need something late at night, you have some options. Here are ideas of safe midnight snacks for diabetics that you can eat without feeling guilty:

  • Mix yogurt and berries together for a snack after dinner when you feel a little hungry. Berries have antioxidants and fiber, which help make your blood sugar levels stable. Yogurt is rich in protein, which makes it good for controlling your blood sugar levels.
  • Cottage cheese is an excellent healthy snack. You can have it plain or you can have it with fruit when you are feeling hungry at night. Cottage cheese has shown to help manage and maintain blood sugar levels in people, which is what makes it a healthy option.
  • Having tuna salad at night might seem like a lot of effort, but it is healthy and will surely suppress your hunger pangs. Tuna is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and helps improve your blood sugar levels by stabilizing them. Add yogurt to make it even more nutritious.
  • If you want something sweet, you can opt for sugar-free pudding. Many sugar-free pudding mixes are available in the market so you can make it and eat it guilt-free. Otherwise, you can whip up your own recipe to make it healthier.
  • One of the safe late night snacks for diabetics is peanut butter and apples. This is a tummy-filling snack option that is healthy and yummy. Apples are rich in nutrients such as potassium while peanut butter has a high amount of magnesium. These help control your blood sugar levels.
  • You can opt for a handful of trail mix. What you need to be careful about is adding a lot of dried fruit. A few are sufficient if you want to keep your blood sugar levels in control. Nuts, seeds, and dry fruits have fiber and healthy fats, which help lower blood sugar levels.
  • You can make protein bars at home for a great snack option if you have diabetes. Protein bars that you get in the store tend to have excess sugar.
  • Want a super-easy snack option for diabetes? Then you can try almonds. Almonds can be had raw whenever you feel hungry late at night. They help reduce cholesterol levels as they are packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Plain Greek yogurt is an easy snack you can have without worrying about your blood sugar levels. If you feel that plain yogurt is bland, you can add a teaspoon of honey for some sweetness.

Healthy snacking can be easy when you have diabetes, you just have to get into the habit of choosing the right ingredients. The easiest way to figure out what constitutes healthy midnight snacks for diabetics is to look at how many nutrients, protein, and fiber the food has. These help to control your blood sugar level so you can eat without worrying about it.