Top Foods that Help Prevent Lung Cancer

Top Foods that Help Prevent Lung Cancer

A healthy diet is linked to a lower risk of cancer and, specifically, lung cancer. Taking a closer look at and including specialty foods and superfoods in your diet to combat lung cancer is the need of the hour. It’s imperative to consider these categories of foods since lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Herein, we enlist some foods that fight lung cancer due to the composition and substances they contain:

1. Apples
Flavonoids, the white or yellow plant pigments are abundant in apples, which is why this fruit is one of the top foods that help prevent lung cancer. Likewise, flavanols, kaempferol, and flavones are compounds present in apples, especially in the skin. Hence, it’s advisable to eat apples without peeling off the skin. If you like to consume apples in liquid form, then choose to use the skins also since they are used to prepare apple cider.

2. Garlic
Garlic has diallyl sulfide that can prevent cancer-causing substances from forming in your body. You can mince garlic and leave it open for a few minutes. This process enables a chemical reaction that promotes cancer-protective properties.

3. Pears
Among the foods that help prevent lung cancer, pears have a phytochemical called phloretin that has anti-tumor properties. They are also known to release cisplatin, a popular chemotherapy drug used to treat lung cancer. The compound can also reduce fibrosis in the lungs and reduce the risks of developing lung cancer.

4. Broccoli
The phytochemical powerhouse present in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower produce protective enzymes called glucosinolates. When you eat these vegetables in cooked form, they release these enzymes that are powerful against cancer cells. They also have sulforaphane that detoxifies harmful substances in the body and provides an antimicrobial effect to prevent lung cancer.

5. Tomatoes
The red hue of tomatoes is derived from a phytochemical called lycopene that is a powerful antioxidant. It’s a potent weapon against cancer cells and reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer and lung cancer significantly. The high concentration of lycopene stops cancer cells from growing and also shields cells from damage that can cause cancer. It boosts the immune system and stops the growth of tumors that lead to abnormal cell growth.

6. Salmon
Vitamin D is an excellent compound to fight or prevent lung cancer. Fatty fishes like salmon and mackerel are potent sources of Vitamin D and are great foods that help prevent lung cancer

7. Strawberries
A leading powerhouse of antioxidants, strawberries, and raspberries contain Vitamin C and ellagic acid. These phytochemicals have anti-cancer properties that activate enzymes to destroy cancer-causing cells. They also stop the growth of tumors and prevent cancers of the lungs, bladder, esophagus, and breasts. Like apples, strawberries also contain flavonoids that suppress enzymes that damage the DNA causing lung cancer. You can also consume blueberries that have anthocyanins that reduce inflammation.

8. Flaxseed
One of the best foods that help prevent lung cancer, flaxseeds have a component called lignans. This component plays an important role in preventing lung cancer. Radiation causes several side-effects and flaxseeds protects normal cells from being damaged due to radiation. They also kill cells that cause cancer.