Top Beauty Diet Foods

Top Beauty Diet Foods

A beauty diet and eating foods for natural beauty go hand in hand and are actually the same as anti-aging foods, which help one to stay beautiful as one ages. These are foods that protect skin from damage while helping one to be fit and maintain beauty. Yet the following list of foods that keep one beautiful may surprise you with items such as turmeric for healthy skin, among many others. Read on for foods that help you stay beautiful:

1. Water
First, and foremost is WATER. Yes, good old H20 should be at the top of any and all lists as it is the foundation for any top beauty diet and healthy ageless skin. That old rule of thumb, drinking 8-ounce glasses of water a day is a must for any anti-aging goals and beauty.

2. Salmon
Next, one may know that salmon is an anti-aging food that is good for healthy skin. Salmon is a fatty type of fish that consists of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are related to and have shown to reduce inflammation which keeps skin moisturized.

3. Brazil nuts
Another food on the list is Brazil nuts. These nuts have proven to be a secret weapon to give skin a beautiful healthy glow. Skin elasticity is improved when eating Brazil nuts and these nuts also help to remove free radicals from the skin cells which stops wrinkles in their tracks and helps to prevent skin cancer. It exercises excellent protection against dryness and other negative skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

4. Avocados
This list continues with avocados. Whether one considers Avocados a fruit, vegetable or a nut, one thing is for sure that it would have to be at the top of all beauty diet food lists. This food is filled with fighting antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin which keeps skin healthy.

5. Sweet potatoes
Yes, sweet potatoes make the list because of the much needed Vitamin C and Vitamin E for getting and keeping healthy ageless skin. And, sweet potatoes are full of these Vitamins. Sweet potatoes have antioxidants that give skin a natural sheen.

6. Kiwi
Wow, Kiwi have water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidants. These types of antioxidants prevent damage all over the body but the benefit for the skin is a stand out. Not to mention, the fact that the antioxidants that kiwi contains are of a high concentration. So this beauty diet food is a must.

7. Tomato
This list would be incomplete without the tomato. The tomato is naturally a little acidic and is high in potassium and good old Vitamin C. This elements can tackle the dullest of skins and can restore the glow to all skins. This food also helps to fight free radicals in the body.

8. Turmeric
Finally, or may I say last but certainly not least, turmeric. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric for healthy skin is nothing new but one may not know specifically what else it does for the skin such as reduces dark circles, protects against sun damage and ageing skin just to name a few. No beautify diet is completed nor started without turmeric.