Superfoods to Manage Psoriatic Arthritis

Superfoods to Manage Psoriatic Arthritis

The diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis requires an individual to consider tweaking their diet to manage this condition better. It is recommended to know about the natural foods to include in a diet suitable for a patient of psoriatic arthritis. There may not be a cure-all diet for people with this condition, but there are some tips and tricks to relieve joint pain. Psoriatic arthritis usually develops alongside psoriasis, an inflammatory condition that affects the skin and nails. This condition results in scaly rashes and inflammation, accompanied by joint pain, which is known as psoriatic arthritis.

Natural foods to be included in the diet for a patient of psoriatic arthritis:

1. Salmon
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can alleviate symptoms like swelling and joint pain. This fish is also known to prevent health conditions like diabetes and heart ailments.

2. Apples
Apple contains quercetin, a powerful flavonoid that can change inflammatory responses by thwarting the production of prostaglandins or pain-causing inflammatory compounds. Apples also have pectin, which is very filling. This prevents unhealthy snacking, helps maintain optimal body weight, and also helps control inflammation.

3. Whole grains
Whole grains like wild rice or brown rice, barley, quinoa, and whole-wheat pasta are fiber-loaded and regulate blood cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels can otherwise increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis further adds to this risk.

4. Kale
Kale is rich in nutrients and is one of the most beneficial natural foods to be included in the diet for a patient of psoriatic arthritis. It is an excellent source of vitamins K, C, and A, and it also comes with flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Garlic
Garlic not only adds flavor to meals, but it also comes packed inflammation-fighting compounds. Fresh garlic is the ideal choice to get the key phytonutrients as bottled garlic usually has preservatives.

6. Peppers
Peppers, whether hot or sweet, contain capsaicin, a component known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce the degree of a compound responsible for triggering inflammation. This pain-alleviating phytochemical makes the body release endorphins or happy hormones.

7. Tea
Black and green tea can be included in the list of natural foods that help people suffering from psoriatic arthritis. They have antioxidants stronger than those in vegetables and fruits. Tea also has anti-inflammatory compounds or polyphenols capable of inhibiting nitric oxide production that can trigger inflammation.

8. Foods to avoid
Processed meat and red meat should be avoided; red meat can increase oxidative stress and results in higher BMI, which is not desirable for someone who needs to lose weight. Processed foods will invariably have more salt, sugar as well as unhealthy fats that are not needed in the body. Also, metabolic diseases like high blood sugar, high blood pressure, obesity, and inflammatory conditions are typically linked to the consumption of excess processed foods. These foods are cooked using oils that contain omega-6 fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory, and not anti-inflammatory, like the omega-3s.