Superfoods for Glowing Skin

Superfoods for Glowing Skin

Dull skin, acne, wrinkles, and aging skin are all skin problems that can leave you feeling embarrassed and ashamed of your skin. There are so many serums, treatments, ointments, and lotions available on the market that claim to be end-all to these skin concerns. However, there are so many that it can be difficult to find a routine that will work for you. It can be expensive to purchase all of these products just to find one thing that may do the trick.

A good way to get the glowing skin that you desire is by incorporating superfoods into your diet:

1. Tomatoes
No matter what type of skin concerns you have, you should make sure you are eating plenty of tomatoes. They are one of the best sources of lycopene, which is a well-known antioxidant. There is some research that shows this antioxidant absorbs even easier if the tomatoes are cooked.

2. Buckwheat
If you are looking for an alternative to starchy, white carbs, you may consider buckwheat. It will take some getting used to but the benefits you will get are much greater than you will from regular white flour. Rutin, the main phytochemical decreases the formation of AGEs, which is what creates wrinkles.

3. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are loaded with things that will strengthen your cells. They are a complete protein that can help to protect from sun damage and reduce inflammation. There are a lot of other health benefits that you will experience from adding chia seeds into your diet. You can add them into smoothies, yogurt, or even make your own chia pudding with fruit.

4. Chickpeas
Also called garbanzo beans, are legumes that are packed with antioxidants that will help you absorb important beauty minerals like zinc and fiber. They are a complex carb that is rich in fiber so they will help regulate blood sugar levels and fend off wrinkles.

5. Oils
Oils, such as peanut, almond, avocado, olive, and cashew nut, are all high in omega 9’s. These have a lot of benefits to the health of your heart and arteries. It is important that you are taking of your heart because if you are putting stress on it, you are putting stress on the outside of your body. This can cause early signs of aging and wrinkles.

6. Fish
Sardines, tuna, herring, mackerel, and salmon are all great fish to incorporate into your diet. Salmon has also been proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. They are rich with polyunsaturated fats which can help you look younger and helps produce the skin’s natural oil barrier. If you don’t eat fish you can find these healthy fats in nuts or oils as well.

7. Leafy greens
If you struggle with undereye circles, you may want to consider adding leafy greens such as kale, spinach, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and collard greens into your diet. These will help to improve blood circulation and coagulation which will reduce the severity of undereye circles.

8. Avocados and nuts
Both of these foods are packed full of monounsaturated fatty acids. These acids are the foundation of healthy cell membranes. They will also help you keep your skin hydrated and plumper. This will result in your face looking younger and more vibrant.