Safe Human Foods for Pets

Safe Human Foods for Pets

We share our homes and entire lives with our pets, so why can’t we share some of our favorite foods with them too? Most domesticated animals have very delicate digestive systems that have evolved to consume a variety of different foods. A lot of human foods, however, can be toxic and potentially fatal to our pets. This is especially true when it comes to processed foods as they contain certain chemicals that can be very dangerous to our animals.

One example of this is xylitol, an artificial sweetener used in certain brands of peanut butter. This compound can be fatal to pet dogs, so it is very important to do proper research before feeding your pets any human food. Here is a list of healthy foods you can feed your beloved house pets:

1. Coconut
Coconut is a great option to treat your pets with. Since coconut contains lauric acid, feeding your dog a little bit at a time can help combat bacteria and viruses, minimize bad breath, and clear up skin conditions such as dandruff and other damage caused by fleas and other parasites. A tablespoon or so of coconut oil in your pet’s daily food can also do wonders by giving them a beautiful, soft, shiny, and strong coat.

2. Eggs
Many pets love eating eggs as a treat, but be sure to only feed them to your pets if they are fully cooked. Eggs are great for treating an upset stomach and for a healthy coat of fur. Since egg whites can cause biotin deficiencies in some animals, it is important to feed this treat in moderation.

3. Fish
Fish contains a lot of essential good fats and amino acids that are very healthy for our pets. Salmon is especially beneficial for dogs because of all the vitamins and protein it contains. Be sure to limit your pet’s consumption of fish to no more than twice a week, however, as feeding fish in excess can actually be harmful. Also make sure to pick out the bones of any fish you feed your animals, as they can easily become lodged in the throat or even cause internal punctures if swallowed whole.

4. Honey
Honey is packed with a plethora of nutrients and is even a natural antibiotic. Dogs especially love this treat because it introduces a little bit of pollen into their systems. This introduction helps build up a dog’s immune system and helps to combat allergies. Honey contains essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B, E, C, D, and K as well as other beneficial elements such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

5. Yogurt
Plain yogurt is a great snack for dogs and helps balance their digestive systems. However, please be sure to stay away from flavored yogurts as they are often flavored with artificial sweeteners which can pose a threat to your dog. Please give this treat in moderation as some dogs, although rare, have difficulty digesting processed dairy products.