Hepatitis C Superfoods That Work

Hepatitis C Superfoods That Work

The hepatitis C virus is an infection that is viral in nature. The hep C virus attacks the liver causing it to become inflamed. The virus is spread through blood contamination via things like sharing needles, unsterilized tattoo equipment, and much less common this day in age, by blood transfusions. Hepatitis C symptoms can include fatigue, nausea, weight loss, loss of appetite, yellowing of the eyes and/or skin, pain in the abdomen, bloating, swollen blood vessels, and fever.

In this article we will go over some superfoods that will help to ease these worrisome symptoms. Just follow this hepatitis C diet and hopefully you will experience some relief:

1. Avocado
Avocados are full of fiber, healthy oils, and have a massive water content. Part of the berry family, avocados have long been known to promote liver health. They also boast about improving the outcome of liver functioning tests.

2. Coffee
Try drinking a cup of coffee a day without adding any of the milk, creams, or sugars. Coffee can reduce the risk of cirrhosis, cancer, and fibroids in the liver. Some studies even suggest that coffee consumption can slow down the destruction of any current liver diseases.

3. Olive oil
Though it may be high in calories, olive oil can help reduce the risk of liver disease when eaten regularly. It can also reduce the enzymes in your liver that can cause liver diseases. Another plus to olive oil is that it is very filling, so you will be less likely to consume massive amounts of calories at each meal.

4. Walnuts
Nuts are snacks that are extremely rich in what is known as healthy fats. Nuts, like coffee, can even reduce the risk of liver disease. Walnuts, however, are the most beneficial to the liver due to their high Omega-6 and Omega-3 content. This, in turn, reduces the risk for fatty liver disease.

5. Salmon
Salmon, being an oily fish, can reduce inflammation in the liver. It can also combat fatty liver buildup. While being high in Omega-3, salmon can also promote great heart and brain health. Consider, as well, talking to your doctor about possibly taking fish oil supplements as part of your regular diet.

6. Berries
Berries are known to contain high amounts of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are antioxidants that have been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation.

7. Green tea
Green tea contains flavonoids, which like anthocyanins, reduces inflammation. Drinking green tea on a daily basis can also promote good bone health.

8. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are another food extremely rich in anthocyanins. As we discussed earlier, anthocyanins have amazing anti-inflammatory properties.

While this list of superfoods is far from all-encompassing, it does contain the most highly recommended foods to ease the symptoms of hepatitis C and maybe even help slow down the progression of the virus itself. Remember to always get a doctor’s opinion before trying any new health supplements.