Health Tips for Patients Lactose Intolerance

Health Tips for Patients Lactose Intolerance

Being lactose intolerant means that you can not digest dairy products. The digestive system has the inability to digest this major carbohydrate in milk and other dairy products. People with this disorder do not make enough of the enzyme lactase which is needed in order to digest lactose. The common symptoms of lactose intolerance are bloating, gas, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. An urgent need to go to the bathroom, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting are also symptoms of the disorder.

There are some preventative measures that can help reduce flare ups:

1. Eat a lactose free diet
Eliminate lactose from your diet. Choose to eat foods with active cultures like yogurt. Fruit juices can be used to replace milk in some recipes. There are lactose free dairy products on the market today that will be a better choice than regular milk or other dairy products.

2. Keep a food journal
Some people with a lactose sensitivity can eat small amounts of lactose without experiencing symptoms. Learn what your limits are. Keep track of the food that you eat and drink to help determine when and if you have symptoms after eating, and if a small amount of lactose can be digested without problems.

3. Buy lactose free products
There are many lactose free foods widely available. These food and drink products include milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Sometimes eating or drinking dairy products along with other foods will lessen the probability of symptoms.

4. Don’t mistake lactose intolerance with a casein allergy
A casein is a protein that is found in dairy products and milk. A casein allergy is when the body makes the mistake of identifying the casein as a threat to the body. In an attempt to fight it off, the body will trigger a reaction. This is totally different from being lactose intolerant. With an allergy to casein, the body can experience hives, rashes, severe pain, wheezing, anaphylaxis, and breathing problems. A doctor should be seen if these symptoms exist to determine if you have an allergy or are lactose intolerant.

5. Eat more foods that are calcium rich
By eating less dairy, you are also getting less calcium. You should eat more dairy free calcium rich foods like broccoli, kale, turnip greens, lettuce, fish that have edible bones like sardines and salmon, Almonds and sesame seeds, alfalfa, tofu, and orange juice fortified with calcium.

Lactose intolerance can cause you to have much discomfort with the many symptoms. Many people are not aware of the fact that they may have this disorder, so they continue to eat and drink dairy products. Seeing the doctor for an accurate diagnosis is the best option for getting yourself back on track. You may not be able to eat some of the foods that you really enjoy, but you will feel so much better when you follow a few health tips.