Foods to Avoid to Manage Arthritis Pain

Foods to Avoid to Manage Arthritis Pain

Food plays an important role in our lives as it is the building block of a healthy body. It is even more important when dealing with conditions like arthritis, which already cause significant problems in our lives. While certain food groups can aid in relieving the symptoms, certain other types can worsen the condition considerably. It is important to keep a note of such food substances and avoid them at all costs. Listed here are the top foods that arthritis patients should avoid to manage arthritis pain better:

1. Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs)
An AGE product is a type of toxin that gets created in a food substance when it is exposed to high temperatures through either frying, pasteurizing, grilling, or heating. This toxin can lead to the development or exacerbation of an existing health condition. The body tries to destroy the AGEs, but this also causes inflammation, and based on where the AGEs accumulation occurs, one would experience arthritis or some other type of inflammation.

2. Dairy compounds
A type of protein present in dairy products is capable of irritating the tissue around joints in some arthritis patients. However, if an individual is unsure whether or not their body acts against dairy products, they should avoid the products for a few weeks and see their body’s reaction to it by slowly reintroducing it into their diet. Also, switching to a vegan diet is recommended in case of an adverse reaction.

3. Preservatives and salts
These substances are added to a lot of products to increase their shelf life. However, consuming them in excess quantity can lead to inflammation of the joints, and reducing the consumption of preservatives and foods high in salt can help manage the symptoms of arthritis.

4. Corn oil
This is one of the top foods to avoid to manage arthritis pain. Corn oil is one of the most commonly used substances for the preparation of many baked items and snacks. It is known to be particularly high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can trigger inflammation and worsen the symptoms of arthritis.

5. Tobacco and alcohol
Alcohol and tobacco are known to cause several health issues, and studies also suggest that they can adversely affect one’s joints. The risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis increases in people who smoke, and the consumption of alcohol increases the risk of gout.

6. Processed and fried foods
Fried and processed foods are one of the top causes of difficulty in managing arthritis pain. Reducing their consumption can help alleviate the inflammation in the body and restore its natural defense mechanisms. Also, it can help reduce the risk of many other age-related health conditions.

Our habits should align with the treatment we seek to find for any health condition, and the same holds for arthritis. In addition to any ongoing treatment for the condition, it is important to make choices that complement the treatment.