Dietary Tips to Manage Cystic Fibrosis

Dietary Tips to Manage Cystic Fibrosis

A hereditary disease that attacks the lungs and digestive system, cystic fibrosis has no cure and can only be managed. In this condition, the body produces thick mucus which blocks the airways in the lungs and obstructs the pancreas. The tips on foods to help manage cystic fibrosis provided in this article can be helpful for those suffering from this disease, as controlling one’s diet can go a long way in helping them reduce the severity of the condition’s symptoms.

The calories and energy needed by those having this disease can be easily provided when these tips are followed. Foods to help manage cystic fibrosis include:

  • Cystic fibrosis patients need almost twice the amount of calories than that of normal people. They also need more energy and nutrients. A balanced diet with fats, carbs, and proteins is thus extremely essential.
  • Patients are advised to eat many small meals throughout the day and also have snacks with them. The ideal way is to eat when hungry, so that calorie requirements are met.
  • To increase calories and proteins, they can add grated cheese to food when possible.
  • Using whole milk with high-fat content is recommended to provide one with the fat and energy they need. Milk can be consumed in the form of milkshakes too. Adding protein powder to milk can help in getting more calories.
  • In the quest to consume fats, many patients eat more saturated fats, which can expose them to the risk of heart diseases. This does more harm than good. The fat in the diet should come from unsaturated fats instead. Avocado, fatty fish, olive oil, walnuts, pecans, pistachio, flaxseed, and chia seeds are good sources of healthy fat.
  • High-calorie shakes are recommended for cystic fibrosis patients. These shakes can be made using protein powder or one can consume readily available ones. Energy drinks and sports drinks can also be consumed as they provide the energy that is needed. It can also provide sodium that they need for their body.
  • While healthy people are advised to avoid snacks with salt, cystic fibrosis patients need to eat snacks that are rich in salt content. They tend to lose a lot of sodium and hence need more salt.
  • While planning a diet, at least 20% of calories must come from proteins. Meat, eggs, milk, fish, and nuts should be consumed to meet the protein requirements.
  • Cystic fibrosis patients tend to fall ill frequently. They need iron to help them ward off infections. Fortified cereals, green vegetables, beets, and dry fruits can help them get the iron they need.
  • Calcium can be obtained from milk as well as fruit juice. It is needed to prevent osteoporosis as sufferers of this disease tend to have weak bones.
  • They should avoid diet food or low fat or low-calorie food as these options can make them weak.
  • Pizza, burgers, bacon, cheesecake, and pastries are recommended to fulfill the calorie requirements.
  • Apart from food, supplements are needed to ensure they get vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy.