Anti-Allergy Superfoods

Anti-Allergy Superfoods

Food allergies are becoming a much bigger issue in today’s society, some schools are even banning common food allergens like peanuts and other types of nuts. Luckily, there are plenty of foods that are allergy-free and even help to prevent other allergies from becoming an issue. You can even use polyphenol foods for allergy and asthma treatment. If you are looking to lessen your allergies, here are some of the best anti-allergy superfoods that you should start to incorporate into your diet:

1. Turmeric
You can’t eat turmeric by itself, but you can use it as a seasoning for a lot of different foods. It is one of the strongest spices and offers strong anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that fight allergies but also can aid in decongestion. If you can’t find any recipes you like that have turmeric in them, you can get turmeric tablets or mix in a teaspoon with a warm glass of milk.

2. Apples
There is a reason that people say that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. There is a flavonoid that has been proven to help prevent allergic reactions. You can eat them plain, with peanut butter, or in a salad or oatmeal.

3. Pineapple
This is not just a sweet, juicy treat to enjoy this summer. Pineapple is a great food to incorporate in your diet if you suffer from allergies because of the enzyme that it contains called bromelain. It can even help to reduce diseases such as asthma.

4. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a super versatile and tasty food. You can eat them if you are looking to curb your sweet tooth or make them as a savory side to go along with meals. They are great anti-allergen food that is packed with a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants.

5. Salmon
Fatty fish, such as salmon and trout are great at calming allergic reactions and fighting off inflammation. It is important to know that these fatty fish are in high omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA. Eating this type of fish will not lessen allergy symptoms, but salmon imparticular has been known to improve lung function. You should aim to eat these fish three to four times a week during the common allergy season.

6. Rosemary
You can add a lot of flavor to a variety of different foods by using rosemary. It also comes with a good amount of benefits because it contains a plant polyphenol called rosmarinic acid. This acid has been shown to suppress allergic immunoglobulin responses, as well as inflammation that is caused by leukocytes.

7. Beets
Beets have a lot of benefits. A lot of people will take them before they workout because they can give you energy and power you through a lot of exercises. The reason that they are a good food to incorporate into your diet is because of all of the nitrates that can be found in them. They will help to improve circulation, as well as blood pressure.